08 March 2009


Some of you have clearer insight of what the first ten days of the journey has been. There isn’t much I can verbalize here, nor share trivially on a blog, but we’ve encountered there a great deal of Magic. It’s been a few-years long awaited shamanic travel, that touched and marked us beyond all expectations. We all grew up and came back stronger from the ride, individually for very different reasons. I’m happy to share with anyone who would want to know more about it…Just write me.
Mathieu, and obviously Gideon, in the name of all of us, thank you for having lead us to open these doors.

That done, here are Avy and Stef on the go, up north to Alto Paraiso, west-inland from Brazilia, in the land of crystal and waterfalls.
The village is settled on the edge of the Chapada de Vadeiros, a protected area in the middle of the Brazilian Serrada. This is the second biggest ecosystem in Brazil, after the Amazonian forest, holding 33% of the country’s biodiversity. As of today, only 16% is left of what the Serrada used to be. Most of the land is now used for soja plantations, which is shipped mostly to Europe to feed the cattle of meat industry. Hey. Sorry for the demagogic environmental blabla, but when you’ll flip through my pictures, just keep in mind that most of it is now gone so that we can enjoy our meat back home.

Swimming in crystal clear waterfalls, Toucan birds passing by, all that so very cliché of paradise that Avy and I had to laugh our hearts loud.

After 3 weeks of Ancestral Magic and nature at its best, how could Avy and I resist to the call of the dance-floor? As the carnival was raging in Rio and Sao Paulo, here we are on the go for Soulvision 2009, in Altinopolis. I would lie if I said I came there with high expectations, but both of us will remember those five days for long. Welcomed as family by the Tribe, mostly onstage meeting all the great names we cherish for years, receiving a million hugs and thank yous, along with fresh killer sound. Pfffffffff. Wow.

Four days and four nights of dancing later, back to Sao Paulo where I had to say good-bye to Avy, back to France. From there, after some clubbing, Edhec meeting and Ableton Live teaching, I made my way back up north to Trancoso, from where I write you now.

The tiny village perched on a cliff, above white sand and coconut trees kilometres-long shore, is now my base, and as much as there is to discover around, I have to say that I feel now here kinda like home. Probably lazy for the days to come…

Next steps for me now: Rio de Janeiro for Danielle’s birthday in a couple of weeks, and a very new chapter of the Stefworldtour starting March 26th, direction Costa Rica, where my little finger tells me my heart will explode.

That’s it for the blabla. Let me just bore a you a second more with most needed thankyous.

Many many many thanks to Avy for having shared all this with me.
Mathieu, Aurélien, Mylena, Gideon, Orimar, Fabiola, the Frog and all others for having shown us the Light.
Leo Casagrande, your family, girlfriend and tribe, for having welcomed us like brothers and open the doors of your home.
Alban, for the warm unconditional welcoming at your place, truly appreciated.
Stéphane and Théo for having seen you again. Borat for the swim.
And to Malana, Rodrigo, Christof, Charles, Arnauld, Eran, Eliran, M-Theory, Shone Gobe, Ivys, Defo, and all the Soulvision Tribe for the mornings in heaven.

All the pictures you’ll find in the album down there are a mix-up of the above-mentioned. Here they are:

1- As an album

2- As a slideshow


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